Thursday 16 February 2012

Renewable Energy for Life rather than Non Renewable sources

                 Today most of the developed countries and the developing countries are relying on nuclear power as their energy source. But in the past few years some developed countries have understood the importance of renewable energy sources and are shifting their focus on renewable energy sources like solar energy, wind energy etc...  thus it can be termed that renewable energy sources would be the future of energy in the world. 
                  The important advantage of these sources are that they never get extinct as in the case of non renewable sources. Earth has around 70% of water and only 30% of land. So it can be said that around 60% of a country's power can be generated from hydel power projects. Next is wind energy. Earth is nowhere without wind. So wind can also be a very efficient source of energy. Finally let me come to the exact point. Solar energy......
                  Sun is the all round source of energy for the whole universe. In a day sun delivers an enormous amount of energy to the earth. There are some calculations on the energy radiated by sun to the earth. 
Amount of energy delivered by the sun to the earth in one second= 10^17  joules.
Therefore energy delivered by the sun in one minute=6*(10^18) joules.
Therefore energy per hour    =    3.6*(10^20) joules.
Now energy radiated by the sun in a day of 7 hours of active sunlight= 2.52*(10^21) joules.
Therefore from the above calculation the average power that can produced from the energy radiated by the sun in a day of 7 hours of active sunlight will be around (10^16) watts.. Thus if in a day of 7 hours active sunlight 100000000000000000 watts can be produced then if such an amount of energy can be utilised on a daily basis how much mankind would get benefitted. Now this is upto the people to realize the use of renewable energy, especially solar energy, instead of going for non renewable energy sources.. 
                               We must think and act wise now in order to save ourselves and save the world too....